Every person working at PSIG Inc. loves knowing that what we teach and train assists facility personnel. It is the knowledge that we are helping out our clients that keeps us going.

PSIG’s focus is helping you understand and manage your Industrial Process, Operate efficiently and keep it mechanically sound. PSIG Inc. offers a range of training providing the tools and answers you need and the peace of mind you and your company deserve!

Learn more about the power team Michael & Corine!

A local winery came to us
 in 2007 for site-specific training. For the first three years it was straight forward chemical, protocol and systems training. We taught them chemical safety and how to respond effectively in the case of an industrial emergency. Their facility utilized multiple chemicals which, when interacting with ammonia, would create a large number of dangerous interactions. Michael went on site and pointed out the locations where chemicals could potentially leak and cause these dangerous interactions.

In 2010 they breached! This winery’s response was exemplary! Due to our training directly, the employees avoided danger, contained the breach, and protected the surrounding areas from exposure. They went out of their way to thank Us for how effectively we trained their staff on handling hazardous refrigerants like ammonia.

Michael with a group of students studying Industrial Refrigeration in Salinas, CA - A great group of guys!